Totalna pierdoła ale, again, może się komuś przydać:
# Check if port is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 "
exit 1
# Find the process ID (PID) using the port
PID=$(lsof -t -i:$PORT)
# Check if a process is using the port
if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
echo "No process found using port $PORT"
exit 0
echo "Process using port $PORT found: PID $PID"
# Attempt to gracefully terminate the process using SIGQUIT
kill -3 $PID
echo "Sent SIGQUIT to process $PID. Waiting for termination..."
# Wait a moment to give the process time to terminate
sleep 2
# Check if the process is still running
if ps -p $PID > /dev/null; then
echo "Process $PID did not terminate. Sending SIGKILL..."
kill -9 $PID
echo "Process $PID killed."
echo "Process $PID terminated successfully."
żeby nie było sam nie napisałe, skorzystałem z ChatGPT - puki mnie nie zastąpi genialne narzędzie! A dla porządku mój prompt (tak to się nazywa?):
create bash script for macos that will kill process for given port if this process is usgin this port, start with sigquit and then kill